
Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year to One and All

And so, another year has gone by.  Did you manage to finish all those lovely stitching projects you started and promised yourself you would finish?  Or, on looking back over the year, did you discover you had too many WIPs and not enough finishes?  I can count on one hand the number of stitchers I know who finish one project before they start on another one. The majority of us are like butterflies - we flit from one piece of linen to another, drawn in by the beautiful colours of the threads, or the intricate design.

Each year I promise myself that I will finish every project that I start - and each year I fail miserably. So this year, I am not going to make the same promise, instead I am going to promise myself that I will learn at least one new stitching technique.  This year I am going to master Reticello.  I love the look of this technique and I have signed up to take a distance class with Lee Albrecht I will keep you posted on my progress. I wonder what your new technique will be?

And now, my friends, I leave you with these words of wisdom:

Remember that friends don’t let friends stitch drunk.  Please stitch responsibly this year and may all your stitching dreams come true in 2014.

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