
Sunday 2 October 2011

Casalguidi Class

Caslguidi Pouch stitched using
Chameleon Hand Dyed Threads
 Yesterday I taught my first class at Bee Crafty - a lovely shop in Ellington, near Huntingdon. I taught a Casalguidi embroidered pouch using very non-traditional wedgewood blue linen and beautiful, variegated hand-dyed threads.  It was a small class, but this made it quite cosy.  It was a very sociable one too, as it was held in the shop, so customers coming in found themselves receiving a quick lesson in Casalguidi.  Sarah and Julie kept the tea and coffee flowing, as well as the lovely home made biscuits.  A complete kit is now available for this pouch.  If you would like to purchase one please email me at
If you are interested in learning a bit more about Casalguidi embroidery then I highly recommend this book "Casalguidi Style, Linen Embroidery" by Effie Mitrofanis.  You may also find this blog very useful  

Here is a more traditional piece of Casalguidi
which I am busy stitching

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